Each of The Lark Center’s social groups are designed around the specific support needs and interests of the participants and can fluctuate over time based on changing needs. No matter what the main focus of a group is, each group is supported by multiple disciplines (OT, PT, speech, counseling, special education) in order to  have the most meaningful and lasting impact possible.  Follow the process below to enroll your child (or young adult) in any of our social groups:
  1. Submit a referral form

  2. Schedule your intake appointment (you will get a call or an email from our office to schedule)

  3. Collaborate with your clinician to select the right group for your child

Sensory Regulation & Social Communication

These groups, also sometimes referred to as "playgroups", start with sensory play that is customized for the participants based on their sensory needs. Social communication is targeted through group games, group projects, and other group activities. These groups are appropriate for clients ages 3 through 12.

Art & Music Therapy Groups

These groups focus on mental health and self-regulation using art, music, and  other expressive media to process emotion and learn coping strategies. Peer support is a huge component of these groups. Participation in meaningful activity helps to increase the sense of safety and connection. All ages from 3 to young adult can benefit from this social-emotional group format.

Voice Colors Yoga

These groups use therapeutic yoga, presented visually, to increase body awareness, strength, endurance, and ability to manage anxiety, attention, and hyperactivity. The social context supports increased learning and motivation through peer support and peer modeling. These groups are appropriate for clients ages 5 through young adult. 

Fitness, Life Skills & Executive Functioning

These groups target increased independence in a variety of self-care, independent living, and executive functioning skills through social participation in meaningful activities. They take advantange of the wealth of resources available in Norwood center as well as our yoga and fitness center, and teaching kitchen.  These groups are appropriate for ages 14 through young adult. 

Self Regulation & Motor Groups

These groups use a sensory processing lens to increase body awareness and interoception (noticing internal body signals) and help improve self-regulation, motor coordination, and specific fine- and gross-motor skills. These groups are appropriate for ages 2-12.

Games, Cards & Recreation Groups

These groups use the power of games and other recreational activities  to facilitate social interaction, perspective-taking, problem-solving, and authentic connections among similar peers. The fun and casual nature of these groups increase participant satisfaction. These groups are appropriate for middle and high school aged participants. 

Sensory Supper Club

This group is a fun and therapeutic social opportunity for clients to practice their feeding and eating skills with their feeding therapist and peers. This is a natural progression in the feeding therapy process after a baseline of skills is achieved in individual sessions. This group is appropriate for clients from ages 5 through 12. 

Articulation & Social Play Groups

These groups target articulation and social language through play and therapeutically selected games and activities. Peer modeling and peer interaction is a strong motivator for many children which makes this group format very popular. These groups are appropriate for ages 2-6.