How can we help your child thrive?




Social Groups

We help children make friends, understand social situations, and build confidence in social settings

Occupational Therapy

We help build hand and eye skills, gain self-control, and increase independence.

Feeding Therapy

We help children use utensils, eat more foods, and enjoy mealtime.

We also treat infants pre- and post-tongue tie/lip tie release.

Speech Therapy

We help children express themselves more, understand others better and speak more clearly.

Physical Therapy

We help children build strength, coordination, and motor skills so they can more fully access their physical environment.

Academic and Cognitive Support

We help students strengthen executive functioning skills and learn strategies for attention and focus.

Mental Health and Wellness

We help children decrease stress, learn to self-regulate, and increase self-care.

Parent Coaching

We help parents develop their skills and efficacy as a role model and leader in their home.